This photograph was taken November 2014 in Modern Art Hotel in Lwów, Ukraine. I used panorama mode.
Image was edited with Photoshop. I used Halftone Pattern filter from Sketch filters group. For a better result I need to change contrast of different parts of the picture.
Modified image printed on PVC. It is 2 meters long, 80 cm wide. On this stage work already looks as finished. I call this kind of artwork a linoprint
Carving begins.
It took about two months to finish it.
Printing. Before ink is aplied I need to remove UV print form the matrix to avoid transfering print on paper or mixing it with ink. I use high pressure water cleaner.
Silver ink.
Regular water tank is too short for a paper that is more than 2 meters long. I need to fold it a bit.
Drying a paper. In this case everything is a challange.
To lift a paper from a matrix I need an assistance of one more person. Up to this stage I do everything by myself.
Final print from the whole matrix. 80 x 200 cm. 
“Collection. Print Culture”
2017, linocut with silkscreen, 107 x 135 cm. 


Printmaking step by step.
